About Onemor

Throughout our entire experience, we have encountered trainers who wanted to make money online, but regardless of their efforts, they never succeeded. The reason is very simple: to make money online, you need a marketplace or an open ecosystem where there are people who want to buy and people who want to sell.

This model is the only tested one that works. We can mention Amazon, Airbnb, Booking, OnlyFans, Uber, and many others. So, what the fitness market lacks is not another application made by a big brand or a single trainer, but an ecosystem where there are trainers who offer workouts and people who want to buy them. We are building exactly that, so that trainers will finally not be deceived and fall victim to the "Missing out syndrome" all the time, but instead, they can achieve long-term and sustainable results.

At Onemor, trainers from all fitness disciplines create workouts and programs, expand their audience, and connect with millions of potential clients. Within the app, trainers can develop their passive income without the need to create an app, possess deep marketing knowledge, or maintain day-to-day client relationships.

Trainers can create content based on the deep insights offered by Onemor. They can eliminate the need to partner with companies that require exclusive content, giving trainers the freedom to share the same materials on other platforms. At Onemor, we are dedicated to empowering trainers to succeed on their own terms.
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